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Allen's Turtle Exercise

by Allen Lyons

16 Jan 2014

Turtle Spirograph

Here's my turtle spirograph. I wanted to do a cool spirograph thing so I looked up a simple formula for it and as it turns out I can just tell the turtle to follow that formula for x,y position. You can pick the turtle color, the background color, and the pensize. I have the two radiis of the circles necessary for making the spirograph set to randomly select so the spirograph is somewhat different everytime you run it. It doesn't work in the interactive textbook, but it works fine in IDLE and the terminal.

Turtle Spirograph image

import turtle          
window = turtle.Screen() 
background = raw_input('What color should the background be?')
speed = 0
turtle_color = raw_input('What color should the turtles?')
alex = turtle.Turtle()
turtle_pensize = int(input("What should the turtles pensize be?"))
import math
from random import randint


while count<(2*math.pi):
    if count>0.001:
    alex.setpos((R-r)*math.cos(count) + p*math.cos((R-r)*count/r),(R-r)*math.sin(count) - p*math.sin((R-r)*count/r))
    count += .001


Here's where I got the formula for a spirograph: right here

Allen is a fourth year UNC undergraduate in the BSIS program. No idea what he is going to do after he graduates but hopefully he'll be doing something that makes money. Likes playing with new tech, watch tv and movies, reading comic books, playing video games, and spending time with his friends and family. Depending on the whole job thing he may also be consuming a considerable amount of alcohol this semester. Find Allen Lyons on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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