Exercise Rectangle
base = int(raw_input("what should the base length be?"))
height = int(raw_input ("what should the height be?"))
area = base * height
print "You entered base length of:", base
print "You entered height length of:", height
print "The area of your rectangle is:", area
Output: For example I put in 4 and 6
You entered base length of: 4
You entered height length of: 6
The area of your rectangle is: 24
Exercise Vacation Days
start_day_number = input("What day (in numbers) will you leave?")
stay_day_number = input("What day (in numbers) will you return?")
start_day_number = int(start_day_number)
stay_day_number = int(stay_day_number)
length_of_day = (start_day_number + stay_day_number) % 7
print length_of_day
Output: For example I put 7 and 1
Exercise String and split() Take the sentence: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Store each word in a separate variable, then print out the sentence on one line using print.
sentence = "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."
a = sentence.split()
print a
['all', 'work', 'and', 'no', 'play', 'makes', 'Jack', 'a', 'dull', 'boy.']
Exercise MPG Problem: A program that will compute MPG for a car. Prompt the user to enter the number of miles driven and the number of gallons used. Print a nice message with the answer. For stye points, cue the message printed off of how efficient (or not) the car is.
#get the number of miles
miles = int(raw_input("How many miles have you driven?"))
#get the number of gallons
gallons = int(raw_input("How many gallons have you used?"))
#the calculation
mpg = miles / gallons
if mpg >= 32:
print "Your car with an MPG of:", mpg, "is fuel efficient."
elif mpg < 32:
print "Your car with an MPG of:", mpg, "is not fuel efficient."
Output: For example I put 200 and 40
Your car with an MPG of: 5.0 is not fuel efficient.
Exercise 6 Problem: A program that will convert a user-input number of degrees celsius to degrees fahrenheit.
#input some degree for celsius
celsius = int(input("Give the Celsius."))
#input the formula for conversion
deg_F = celsius * (9/5) + 32
#print the result
print "The degrees in Fahrenheit is", deg_F
Output: for example I put 34
The degrees in Fahrenheit is 93.2
Exercise 7 Problem: A program that will convert a user-input number of degrees degrees fahrenheit to degrees celsius.
#input some degree for Fahrenheit
deg_f = int(input("Give the Fahrenheit."))
#input the formula for conversion
deg_C = (deg_f - 32) * 5/9
#print the result
print "The degrees in Fahrenheit is", deg_C
Output:For example I put 67
The degrees in Fahrenheit is 19.4444444444
Exercise 8 Problem: A program that will convert degrees or celsius as above, depending on the users' choice.
For this exercise I got some great help from my fellow student Jessica Feng. Thank you!
#First offer the choice of conversion
convert = input("Which conversion would you like to do? Fahrenheit (F) or Celsius (C)?")
#If the user chooses fahrenheit F
if convert == "F":
#Ask for the celsius temp
temp_c = int(raw_input("What is the temperature in celsius?"))
#Convert it to fahrenheit
temp_f = (temp_c*(1.8))+32
#print conversion
if temp_f>=60:
print "Temperature:", temp_c, "C = ", temp_f, "F. Fair weather."
elif temp_f<60:
print "Temperature:", temp_c, "C = ", temp_f, "F. Sweater weather."
#if the user chooses Celsius C
elif convert == "C":
#Get fahrenheit temp
temp_f = int(raw_input("What is the temperature in fahrenheit?"))
#Convert it to celsius
temp_c = (temp_f-32)*(5/9)
#Print conversion
if temp_c>=16:
print "Temperature:", temp_f, "F = ", temp_c, "C. Fair weather."
elif temp_c<16:
print "Temperature:", temp_f, "F = ", temp_c, "C. Sweater weather."
Output: for example I put C, and 78
Temperature: 78 F = 25.5555555556 C. Fair weather.
Turtle post
import turtle
wn = turtle.Screen()
laura = turtle.Turtle()
# the following was inspired by Aesthete on Stack Overflow (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12453572/how-can-i-fill-these-squares-in-turtle-python)
laura.begin_fill() # Begin the fill process.
laura.down() # begins pendown
for i in range(10): # For each edge of the shape
laura.forward(40) # Move forward 40 units
laura.up() # Pen up
laura.end_fill() # End fill.
laura.goto(100, 120) # begin a turtle in a new location
laura.color("red") # little change of color
for i in range(3):
for i in range(3):
laura.goto(0,180) # playing with the border of the screen
laura.color("black") # takes turtle to top middle of screen
laura.goto(0,-180) # takes turtle to bottom middle of screen
laura.goto(180,-180) # takes turtle to bottom right corner
laura.goto(180,180) # takes turtle to top right corner
laura.goto(-180,180) # takes turtle to top left corner
laura.goto(-180,-180) # takes turtle to bottom left corner