Program 1
Take the sentence: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Store each word in a separate variable, then print out the sentence on one line using print.
text = "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
sentence = text.split() # string split method to create list
for x in range(len(sentence)): # len method provides length of list
print sentence[x],
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Program 2
A program that will compute MPG for a car. Prompt the user to enter the number of miles driven and the number of gallons used. Print a nice message with the answer. For stye points, cue the message printed off of how efficient (or not) the car is.
miles = float(raw_input("How many miles did you drive on your last trip?")) # stores miles as floating point variable
gallons = float(raw_input("How many gallons of gas did you use?")) # stores gallons as floating point variable
mpg = (miles / gallons) # calculates MPG
print "Your car delivers", mpg, "miles per gallon of fuel." # prints MPG in a sentnce
if (mpg<25): # sassy messages based on what MPG value is
print "Ouch!"
if (mpg>25 and mpg<50):
print "Doing ok!"
if (mpg>50):
print "Excellent!"
Your car delivers 15.3846153846 miles per gallon of fuel.
Program 3
A program that will convert a user-input number of degrees celsius to degrees fahrenheit.
deg_celsius = float(raw_input("How many degrees Celsius is it outside?")) # get user to input Celsius temp
deg_fahrenheit = (deg_celsius * 1.8) + 32 # calculates Fahrenheit temp
print "It is", deg_fahrenheit, "degrees Fahrenheit outside." # prints converted temperature
It is 77.0 degrees Fahrenheit outside.
Program 4
A program that will convert a user-input number of degrees degrees fahrenheit to degrees celsius.
deg_fahrenheit = float(raw_input("How many degrees Fahrenheit is it outside?")) # get user to input Fahrenheit temp
deg_celsius = (deg_fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8 # calculates Celsius temp
print "It is", deg_celsius, "degrees Celsius outside." # prints converted temperature
It is 30.5555555556 degrees Celsius outside.
Program 5
A program that will convert degrees or celsius as above, depending on the users' choice.
def C2F (): # function for converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit
deg_celsius = float(raw_input("How many degrees Celsisus is it outside?")) # get user to input Celsius temp
deg_fahrenheit = (deg_celsius * 1.8) + 32 # calculates Fahrenheit temp
print "It is", deg_fahrenheit, "degrees Fahrenheit outside." # prints converted temperature
def F2C (): # function for converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius
deg_fahrenheit = float(raw_input("How many degrees Fahrenheit is it outside?")) # get user to input Fahrenheit temp
deg_celsius = (deg_fahrenheit - 32) / 1.8 # calculates Celsius temp
print "It is", deg_celsius, "degrees Celsius outside." # prints converted temperature
type_conversion = raw_input("Type C2F to convert from Celsius to Fahrentheit \n Type F2C to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius") # asks user which conversion they want
while (type_conversion != "C2F" and type_conversion != "F2C"): # displays if user puts in an invalid response
type_conversion = raw_input("Type C2F to convert from Celsisus to Fahrentheit \n Type F2C to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius")
if (type_conversion == "C2F"):
C2F () # run C2F function
if (type_conversion == "F2C"):
F2C () # run F2C function
It is 86.0 degrees Fahrenheit outside.