I started working with a few of these exercises last night; in class I found it really helpful how Elliot taught us to break down writing code into knoweable parts prior to designing all the code because I had been trying to write it more linearly. In the last program, it was also exciting figuring out how to use the "if" statement, which we had seen earlier in class in Thu-Mai's turtle post.
Jack is a Dull Boy
a = "All"
b = "work"
c = "and"
d = "no"
e = "play"
f = "makes"
g = "Jack"
h = "a"
i = "dull"
j = "boy"
print(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
Computing MPGs
miles_driven = int(raw_input("How many miles have you driven"))
gallons_used = int(raw_input("How many gallons of gas did you use"))
mpg = miles_driven / gallons_used
print ("Your mpg is:" , mpg)
if int(mpg) < 32: print("You are not helping the environment, your car is inefficient.")
if int(mpg) >= 32: print("Your vehicle is efficient, way to go!")
Input: 320 miles driven, 10 gallons of gas
Your mpg is: 32
Your vehicle is efficient, way to go!
Convert Celsius to Farenheit
celsius = int(raw_input("What celsius temperature would you like to convert to farenheit?"))
fahrenheit = celsius * (9/5) + 32
print ("The temperature in farenheit is:" , fahrenheit)
Input: 0
The temperature in farenheit is: 32
Convert Farenheit to Celsius
fahrenheit = int(raw_input("What fahrenheit temperature would you like to convert to celsius?"))
celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * (5/9)
print ("The temperature in celsius is:" , celsius)
Input: 32
The temperature in celsius is: 0
User's Choice Celsius or Farenheit Conversion
conversion_choice = (raw_input("What would you like to convert to: celsius or farenheit?"))
if conversion_choice == "farenheit":
fahrenheit = int(raw_input("What fahrenheit temperature would you like to convert to celsius?"))
celsius = (fahrenheit - 32) * (5/9)
print ("The temperature in celsius is:" , celsius)
if conversion_choice == "celsius":
celsius = int(raw_input("What celsius temperature would you like to convert to farenheit?"))
fahrenheit = celsius * (9/5) + 32
print ("The temperature in farenheit is:" , fahrenheit)
Input: celsius, 45
The temperature in farenheit is: 113