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Julie's Python Post

by Julie Seifert

24 Jan 2014

Here's what I came up with:

x = "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"
x.split(' ', 1)
print x


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Miles to gallons:

print("This program calculates mpg.")

miles = input("How many miles did you drive?")
miles = int(miles)

gallons = input("How many gallons did you use?")
gallons = int(gallons)

mpg = miles / gallons
print ("Miles per gallon:",mpg)


This program calculates mpg.
Miles per gallon: 8.33333334

Fahrenheit to Celsius:

F = input('Enter temperature in Fahrenheit')
F = int(F)
C = ((5.0/9.0)*(F - 32))
print 'Temperature in degrees Celsius is ', C

Output: Temperature in degrees Celsius is 10.0

Celsius to Fahrenheit: ```

C = int(C) F = ((9.0/5.0)*(C + 32)) print 'Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is ', F ```

Output Temperature in degrees Farenheit is 40.0

Convert depending on Input: ``` x = (raw_input("Do you want to convert fahrenheit or celsius?")) if x == "fahrenheit": y = (raw_input("what is the fahrenheit temperature?")) f = (int(y) - 32)*5.0 / 9 print f

if x == "celsius": n = (raw_input("what is the celsius temperature?")) z = (int(n) *9) / 5 + 32 print z ```

Output: 86.0

Julie Seifert is a second year MSLS student. She is from Tampa, Florida and enjoys kayaking and other water sports. Find Julie Seifert on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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