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Julie's CodingBat Post

by Julie Seifert

06 Feb 2014

Here's my checkmarks:

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I liked the logic exercises the best and also found them very challenging at times. I liked the alarm_clock one. I struggled with it for a while because I kept running it and it would work for most of the days, but not for a few of them. Then I realized I needed to put the days in parenthesis so that it would check if day = 6 or 0 before moving on to whether it was a vacation day, whereas before I added the parenthesis I think it was reading it as if the day = 6 OR (day = 0 and vacation is true). So I liked that one. I had a hard time with the near_ten one and eventually had to search for the solution online. I think my confusion with it was caused more by my inability to remember 4th grade math as opposed to my inability to code. I couldn't figure out why my solution wasn't working, so I turned it into a note and then copied in the correct solution so I could compare it. Here is a screenshot of that:

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I also liked the date fashion one. I thought it was interesting because of the fact that there were two different constraints. You would get a table, if one of you was an 8, unless one of you was a 2. It took me a couple of tries to realize that one person being a 2 would lead to no table, even if the other person was an 8. And then I realized that you had to write it so that it first checked if one of you was a 2, before checking to see if one of you was an 8. Also, it was funny to imagine some fancy restaurant where the host gives you a score before seating you.

Julie Seifert is a second year MSLS student. She is from Tampa, Florida and enjoys kayaking and other water sports. Find Julie Seifert on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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