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yonghao's Second Codingbat's Practice

by Yonghao Yu

14 Feb 2014


Warmup 2:

Warmup2 image

String 2:

String2 image

List 2:

List2 image

Logic 2:

Logic2 image


List 2, sum67

I tried several ways and finally make it work.

At first, I write another def called delete 67, it looks like this:

def delete67:
 for i in range(len(nums)-1):
  if nums[i]==6:
 for j in range(pos6,len(nums)-1):
  if nums[j]==7 and j>pos6:
 del nums[pos6:pos7+1]

Then I try to call the function in main function, it works for all the test, but failed in "other test". I dont know what is "other test" and can't solve it, so I change another way.

My code:

def sum67(nums):
  for i in range(0, len(nums)):
    if nums[i] == 6:
      nums[i] = 0
      for j in range(i+1, len(nums)):
        if nums[j] == 7:
          i = j + 1
  return sum(nums)

The code works. Can anyone help me to find the error in former function?

List2 centered_average:

My thought: Travel all the elements in list, and each time call min and max method. every time compare the current element with the current min/max number. And get the new min/max number. After we travel the whole array, we can get the min and max number in the array. And when can use the sum of all the numbers in list minus min and max number.

My code:

def centered_average(nums):
 for i in nums:
 for i in nums:
 return (result-min_1-max_1)/(len(nums)-2)

Logic 2: Make_Bricks

It's a little hard. I try different ways to solve it, and finally, I got idea from the help video and use mod to solve it. Fitstly, I tried to use a loop to solve it, my code like that:

for i in range(big):
 if 5*i<goal and goal-5*i<small:
  return True

It should work, but the system continue to return an error: "Time out". I don't know why it wont work. So I changed my mind and use a mod.

My code: ``` def make_bricks(small, big, goal): return goal%5 - small <= 0 and small + 5*big >= goal

It has two steps to judge.
Firstly: judge weather bricks are enough:

small+5*big>=goal ```

Secondly: Judge weather small bricks is enough.

goal%5 - small <= 0

Then the problem is solved. It's a gret idea to use mod, and I think mod will help me in the future!

Logic 2: make_chocolate

The problem is similar to make_bricks and I use a similar method to solve it.

yonghao is a second year graduate year of SILS student. He is from China. Find Yonghao Yu on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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