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Zach's First Simple Post

by Zachary Williams

20 Feb 2014

I made my first post on SimpleHack. It's nothing much, as you'd expect for a first post. You can find my post at this link.

As I understand it, I executed some scripts that set up a blogging application on top of a database in a cloud environment. At first, I thought that I had to code within in order to make a post. This seemed a far from simple task, and required some serious code comprehension. More careful reading of the instructions, however, clarified that I merely had to log in as an admin to make a post. What a relief! Truth be told, I'm fuzzy on how Heroku works. I'm sure I'll figure it out as we work on it in through class.

Zach is a sophomore Information Science and Political Science double major at UNC. He hails from Fairfax, Virginia. Find Zachary Williams on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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