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Libby's Heroku App

by Libby Livingston

22 Feb 2014

Getting Simple onto Heroku was the biggest pain. Luckily, Grant is some kind of command-line wizard and we found out that each time I re-tried the instructions (as they were updated/corrected) I created multiple databases as well as (somehow) creating 2 passwords and 2 secret keys. So if anyone else is having trouble and sees this, try checking your db and settings files in Nitrous.

I looked through the files, and decided to do something simple like change the background (to test my Nitrous ability, really). I added a bg-color line to the layout.html file:

body {
  padding-top: 20px;

Libby is a BSIS student in SILS. She double majors in Geography, and is working on a minor in Art History. Find Libby Livingston on Twitter, Github, and on the web.
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